Economic Profile

The main activity in Mendoza is viticulture. It is the most important province for the production of Argentinean wine. Half of the agricultural exploitations in Mendoza correspond to this branch. This activity ...
Orografía de Mendoza: Cordillera Principal

Orography of Mendoza

Mendoza has three differentiated geographical structures: the Andean mountain to the west, plains to the east, and plateaus, mountains, and volcanoes to the south. The mountain range determines almost all the g...

Natural Oases

In the west mountain ridges the rivers of the province start from melting snow and glaciers that then flow through the plains. The systemization and control of these rivers, and the exploitation of groundwater ...
Castillos de Pincheira, Malargüe

Tourist Regions

The diversity of landscapes that make up Mendoza makes it impossible to give it any single description. With this in mind, we offers a general outline of the four main zones. •The Northern Region, which in...


Besides its three airports (El Plumerillo in Mendoza City, San Rafael and Malargüe airports) the Province of Mendoza features an efficient road network that connects it with the rest of the country and Chile. ...


When the conquerors arrived, present-day Mendoza was inhabited by native tribes, mainly Huarpes and Incas who named it ‘Cuyum Mapu’ (sandy land) due to the aridity of the soil. Native peoples were clever...


In the field of culture, Mendoza has given rise to various national and internationally famous personalities. In literature, in the XIX Century, the poet Juan Gualberto Godoy stood out. He was a popular auth...

Restaurants and Lodging

Visitor can choose from international cuisine, traditional grilled meat, pizza, fast food, sea food, food courts or traditional ‘snack bars’ where Argentine-taste sandwiches are served. Some restaurants ...

Olive Road

Mendoza offers ideal weather for olive growing: great thermal amplitude and the best organoleptic and chemical conditions. Around 60% of the area planted with olive trees corresponds to varieties that can ...
Área histórica: Friso Plaza Pedro del Castillo

Historical Area

Mendoza is proud of its culture, that is why, visitors are invited to see its architecture, social and intellectual life. These aspects are so important for us that the City Hall has been continuously trying to...