La Fiesta Provincial de la Tradición

This Festival is conducted in November and it includes the festivities in honor of San Carlos Borromeo religious employer.

Activities focus on the village head, especially around the square “Jose Hernandez” and the Municipal Amphitheatre “Neyú Mapu”. It provides a framework to Provincial Competition Traditional Dances Argentinas and choice of the provincial flower of Tradition.

On November 10, with the aim of reviving an ancient custom, will usually include horseback in search of carnations to celebrate the Day of Tradition.

The “way to carnations” took place in November as it is the time where this plant blooms called “air” because it grows on other native shrubs. The protagonist of this traditional custom is the gaucho sancarlino who undertook a long journey to La Salada, heading south, where the mountain air of carnations. There, if weather permitted, was the desired carnations, bringing back to give to his girlfriend.

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