
In Mendoza, sport fishing is combined with vast landscapes such as crystal clear streams, lakes, and rivers among valleys and mountains, or water mirrors created for irrigation and electricity that are associated to water sports.
In the province of Mendoza there are four tours to practice sport fishing:
Mountain Tour. (Northern Region)
“El Carrizal” Tour. (Northern Region)
San Rafael Tour. (Southern Region)
Malargüe Fishing District. (Southern Patagonian Region)
Other fishing sites in Mendoza: consult calendars, species, and permitted fishing modes (permits are obtained from Dirección de Recursos Naturales/Natural Resources Authority)
Salmonids: brown trout, rainbow trout, and brook trout: November/May
Patagonia and Buenos Aires silverside fish: December/September
Perch or local trout: December/September
Carps and dientudo: Throughout the year
Sea beam: Throughout the year

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