Adventure Tourism In Valle De Uco

The Manzano Histórico Natural Reserve offers challenges such as paragliding flights, trekking excursions and mountain bike.

Cajón de Arenales, made of huge granite walls, isone of the most defying places in Tunuyán, being a very important rock climbing center.

Chorro de la Vieja and Portillo Argentino are others wonderful places that offer their territory to the disposal of adventure turism, especially for trekking and abseiling.

The Tupungato Volcano, sorrounded by its namesake provincial park, is a challenge for mountaineers looking for height’sexperiencies.

In Corredor Productivo – Turístico La Carrera there are Trekking excursions, horseback ridings in heights, condors sight, abseiling, zipline and mine tourism, completing the adventure proposal and the ascent between creeks and cerrilladas (Succession of stony outcrops in a field of low height)

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